Alcoholism – what is it?

Alcoholism – what is it? Alcoholism is officially recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). Alcoholic disease is defined as physical and psychological dependence on ethyl alcohol (an agent that slows down the nervous system). Alcohol abuse has a direct impact on the patient and those around him. Consumed in excessive doses of alcohol causes aggressive behavior, affects the functioning of the brain and the resulting decision-making awareness.

Alcoholism most often manifests itself in the deterioration of contacts with family and the environment as well as the degradation of the social and financial situation. Effective alcohol therapy can prevent the tragic consequences of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Harmful effects of alcohol

Regular alcohol abuse can cause dementia, impaired logical thinking and the development of serious mental illnesses. This substance is a chemical compound that affects not only the mental status, but also the physicality of a person. Alcoholism is a major factor in cirrhosis of the liver. Help is only possible if the person abusing alcohol admits that he or she is sick. Many alcoholics believe that substance abuse is voluntary and voluntary. This is all just a lie and a denial of having a drinking problem. It should be emphasized that the symptoms of alcoholism are slow onset and may continue unnoticed. Therefore, it is difficult to draw the line between occasional drinking and completely uncontrollable drinking.

Symptoms of alcohol addiction

  • alcohol craving – the patient has an internal desire to drink alcohol, the feeling that without the next dose of the stimulant the body will not work physically
  • the appearance of gaps in memory – the addict ceases to remember events that occur after drinking alcohol, empty fragments appear in his memory more and more often
  • concentration on alcohol – the patient neglects family and other important spheres of his life
  • loss of control over drinking – a healthy person knows when to stop drinking, an alcoholic cannot stop drinking

Advanced alcoholism determines the appearance of the so-called absenteeism symptoms. Withdrawal from the psychoactive substance causes irritability and anxiety. Physical symptoms are common: chills, nausea, excessive sweating, muscle tremors. Another symptom is delirium and restlessness. Most alcoholics try to eliminate these symptoms in order to reach for the next dose of alcohol. Alcoholism rehab is the only effective way to get rid of this problem.

Phases of alcoholism:

  • Initial – noticing that alcohol is a good way to relax and reduce bad emotions. The drinker does not see the symptoms of alcoholism, but more and more often looks for opportunities, for example, to drink with friends
  • Warning – drinking more alcohol followed by changes in behavior. There is both secret drinking and subsequent remorse
  • Critical – Alcohol becomes the main purpose of life. Abstains from short periods of abstinence during which there are physical symptoms of alcohol craving. The alcoholic still does not see the problem.
  • Chronic – the alcoholic consumes alcoholic beverages without restriction. This has a huge impact on his health, and the constant persistence of alcohol in the body means that a few drinks are enough to get drunk. This last phase, unfortunately, often ends with the death of the addict as a result of poisoning or destruction of internal organs.

Alcohol addiction treatment

Treating alcohol dependence is a complex and lengthy process. It is difficult to clearly determine how long alcohol therapy lasts, because it depends on the phase of alcoholism, the patient’s individual motivation for abstinence, and the support of relatives. Therapy for alcoholics may include: treatment in an alcohol therapy center , individual alcohol therapy, closed treatment for alcoholics. Treatment of alcohol dependence uses a number of treatment methods – behavioral-cognitive therapy, the technique of describing emerging emotions, as well as rational-emotional therapy. Private alcohol withdrawal in private alcoholism treatment centers  may turn out to be a hit for addicts who need individual therapy sessions.

Treatment of alcohol – coercion or free choice?

Alcohol withdrawal is a godsend not only for the person addicted to alcohol, but above all for their family. Desperate families often ask how to help an alcoholic who refuses treatment. In exceptional circumstances, compulsory treatment for alcoholism is necessary in Poland. Commune committees responsible for solving alcohol problems issue referrals for compulsory treatment of alcoholism. If he officially refuses voluntary treatment, the Commission refers him to a compulsory examination by a legal expert. After taking into account the expert’s request, the district court may resume compulsory alcohol treatment. Not only the partners of alcoholics or adult children, but also people from MOPS or the extended family of the addict can submit an application to the municipality or the prosecutor’s office.